Trump Asks Republicans to Vote Early, Promotes Ballot Harvesting During Iowa Town Hall

Former president Donald Trump encouraged supporters to take part in early voting as well as “legal” ballot harvesting for the 2024 elections during his conversation with Fox News’s Sean Hannity at a town hall meeting in Iowa on Tuesday.
Ballot harvesting refers to the practice of political agents collecting ballots from homes of absentee voters and depositing them, mostly en masse, at a polling station or election office. “Republicans have been reluctant and resistant toward early voting, mail-in voting,” Mr. Hannity said.
“They have also been resistant toward legal ballot harvesting, which Democrats have mastered, which is why they can hide in their basement and run hundreds of millions of dollars in ads and never answer a press question, shake a hand or kiss a baby or do a town hall. Do you now encourage and embrace early voting, voting by mail, and legal ballot harvesting?”…}

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