Leonardo DiCaprio Says CCP-Linked Financier Planned to Donate $30 Million to Obama’s 2012 Campaign

Malaysian financier Jho Low planned to donate up to $30 million to help then-U.S. President Barack Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign, according to actor Leonardo DiCaprio.
DiCaprio recounted a discussion he had with Low, whose given name is Low Taek Jho, while testifying during a federal trial in Washington.
“It was a casual conversation about what party he was in support of,” DiCaprio said, telling jurors that Low said he planned on giving “a significant donation” to the Democratic Party that was “somewhere to the tune of $20 to 30 million.”
“I basically said, ‘Wow, that’s a lot of money.’”
DiCaprio took the witness stand during the trial of Prakazrel “Pras” Michel of the Fugees hip-hop group, who, according to an indictment, conspired with Low to funnel money from the foreigner to Obama’s 2012 campaign….}

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