Now that Washington is officially divided, with Democrats having a larger-than-expected majority in the Senate and Republicans controlling the House, analysts are trying to decipher what happened during the midterm elections.
According to most of the post-election data that exists, particularly that from the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago which polled tens of thousands of voters for The Associated Press, Independents broke for Democrats by at least 4 percentage points.
But the question remains, why?
“When I first began in politics 30-plus years ago, the rule of thumb was to assume your opponent has a 40 percent base and make sure you can rely on a 40 percent base and then fight to win more than half of the 20 percent in the middle,” Matt Angle told The Epoch Times, director of the Lone Star Project, a political action committee dedicated to helping Democrats win congressional and state races….}