Debt Deal: Billions of Dollars to Be Reduced in IRS Funding

The bipartisan deal to raise America’s debt ceiling involves cutting billions in funding set aside for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), including cuts from the $80 billion allocated under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).
In total, the debt-ceiling deal involves shaving off almost $21.4 billion from the IRS budget. Out of the roughly $21.4 billion, nearly $1.4 billion will be rescinded from the money already allocated to the IRS, the deal states (pdf). The remaining $20 billion would come from the extra $80 billion allocated to the IRS under the IRA for a 10-year period. As to whether the $20 billion excision would affect the yearly utilization of the extra funding, a White House official rejected the possibility during a press briefing on May 28….}

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