Comey Says Durham Report Shows FBI Made ‘Mistakes,’ but Bureau Did 2016 ‘The Right Way’

FBI officials investigated former President Donald Trump “the right way,” former Director James Comey claimed on May 30.
Special counsel John Durham in his recent report highlighted how the FBI opened its probe into Trump ahead of the 2016 election by relying on unverified information from Australia and detailed how the treatment of Trump differed dramatically from how the bureau acted after it received derogatory information regarding Trump’s rival, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
The FBI misled the secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), failed to corroborate any substantive allegations in the Clinton-funded dossier on Trump in part because top officials displayed a “serious lack of analytical rigor towards the information that they received,” and ignored hundreds of exculpatory statements made by Trump aides who were being secretly recorded by FBI informants, according to Durham….}

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