Another East Oregon County Votes to Explore Unification With Idaho

A dozen counties in eastern Oregon have now thrown their support behind a proposed merger with neighboring Idaho, bringing the idea of Greater Idaho closer to reality.
The ballot measure in the May 16 Wallowa County election was won by a razor-thin 21-vote margin, with 1,721 (50.31 percent) of 3,241 ballots cast in favor of the proposal, according to KTVB7.
“Last night’s vote in Wallowa County continues to prove that eastern Oregonians are ready for a long-term solution that actually solves the urban/rural divide in Oregon,” Greater Idaho movement spokesman Matt McCaw told The Epoch Times.
“Despite the promises of bipartisanship and hearing out of eastern Oregonian’s concerns, the current legislative session has been as divisive and partisan as ever.”…}

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