Ahead of second GOP debate, Ron DeSantis takes a shot at Nikki Haley’s ‘corporatism’

Ron DeSantis is on the attack against Nikki Haley ahead of the second GOP presidential debate.

During an interview on Tuesday night’s “Ingraham Angle,” the Florida Governor and 2024 presidential candidate told Fox News viewers that he was an alternative to the “corporatism” represented by the former South Carolina Governor, as evidenced by a war of words over one of Florida’s most prominent companies.

“We’ve seen corporations go very woke and you know, Nikki attacked me for standing up for the kids of Florida and she sided with Disney when we had a big fight over parents’ rights in education.”

“We took the position that you shouldn’t sexualize curriculum in elementary school. Disney fought us. They tried to stop the bill, then they tried to get the bill repealed afterwards and we stood strong against the most powerful company in our state. I think she’s indicated she would have bent the knee in that situation. And I think that’s been more indicative of her approach, but that approach is a dead end,” DeSantis told Laura Ingraham.

DeSantis and Haley have sniped at each other for months over how to handle the Walt Disney Company. Haley accused DeSantis of having a “vendetta” against Disney earlier this year and called on him to “hash it out” with the entertainment giant.

Her Stand For America PAC also calls on DeSantis to “return the more than $100,000 his campaign and affiliated PACs have taken from Disney over the years.”

The PAC attacks have gone both ways. Never Back Down launched a six-figure digital ad buy slamming “Mickey Haley” in the wake of the former Palmetto State Governor’s pitch to the company, made on Fox News, to move to the state.

Meanwhile, there is evidence that GOP voters see Haley and DeSantis as more similar than different. This week’s national Monmouth Poll showed that more than 55% of GOP Primary voters see the two as “establishment Republicans.”

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