Democrat Attorney General Healey Wins Gubernatorial Race in Massachussetts

Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey, a progressive Democrat, is projected to win the gubernatorial race against Republican Jeff Diehl, who ran an aggressive campaign.
Decision Desk HQ called the race at 8:20 p.m. ET. Healey led with 71 percent of the vote with less than 2 percent of the votes counted at 8:47 p.m. ET, according to Decision Desk HQ.
With the New England state being one of the bluest in America, Healey’s victory over conservative Diehl does not come as much of a surprise.
Healey has promised throughout her campaign to support LGBT individuals in the state, including in public schools where she deemed drag queen events in schools a great thing and said during her campaign that there should be more of them….}

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