Haley Promises Supporters She Will Address the Nation’s Huge Deficit

GILBERT, S.C.—Speaking in a barn in the legislative district where she got her political start, Nikki Haley, former UN ambassador and South Carolina governor, said the nation needs to get its fiscal house in order.
“Now I’m going to tell you like I told you when I was your governor. No more whining about it. No more complaining about it. Now we get to work,” she told an appreciative crowd of about 400 people.
And that work, she said, will include reforming entitlements.
“Social Security will be bankrupt in 10 years. Medicare will be bankrupt in five,” she said.
Rick and Donna Winfield of Lexington, S.C., attend former governor Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign speech on April 6, 2023. (Dan M. Berger/The Epoch Times.)
“We will do entitlement reform the way you do entitlement reform,” Haley said. “You don’t touch anybody that’s given in. You don’t take from anybody that’s been promised. My parents are in their 80s. We take care of them. I don’t want anybody bothering theirs.”…}

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