Former Ron DeSantis finance Co-Chair backs LeAnna Cumber for Jax Mayor

The mayoral campaign of Jacksonville City Council member LeAnna Gutierrez Cumber is rolling out two new endorsements for Valentine’s Day.

One of them comes from the former finance Co-Chair for Ron DeSantis’ first campaign for Governor in 2018.

“LeAnna is a mother, former school teacher, businesswoman and attorney. She graduated from one of the finest law schools in the country and brings this to the table with a vision and no-nonsense determination to get the job done for the citizens of Jacksonville,” asserted Nancy Peek McGowan.

“She possesses a strong business background and a keen intellect who can bring the policy solutions we need to turn Jacksonville into the remarkable city we know it can be without losing the beauty and character of the city we love. As Albert Einstein stated: ‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.’ We have watched political insanity at City Hall for 8 years with virtually no benefit to the community except for a few elites and lobbyists inside the good ole boy political network.

“It is time for a new direction, to elect a leader with competence and resolve. Someone who will represent the whole Jacksonville community equitably, not just a few. LeAnna Cumber will hold a strict and high standard of accountability in her administration with the responsibilities they are charged with to make Jacksonville the gem of the city we know it can be.”

Cindy Graves, a former Chair of the Duval County Republican Party and former President of the Republican Federated Women of Florida, is also backing Cumber in the upcoming contest.

“It is past time to stand up and push back against the status quo. It’s time to be unafraid of the entrenched political machine. It’s time for Jacksonville to seriously compete regionally and nationally, provide safety for all and create true partnerships with our vibrant business, military, and educational communities for the benefit of all — not a select connected class of individuals,” Graves asserted.

“With a dynamic leader, we can finally combine our unparalleled natural and business resources, geographic location and the untapped potential of every citizen to excel. LeAnna is a City leader, business owner, former teacher and attorney who will be the mayor to provide the leadership and vision to finally achieve what candidates have opined about for decades. I am convinced that she has the tenacity, experience, work ethic and proven conservative track record on the council to achieve her vision for families and businesses. I’m proud to support her.”

The latest endorsements come five weeks before the March 21 “First Election,” which sees four Republicans on the ballot. Cumber and Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce CEO Daniel Davis have dominated fundraising and spending. In what has been a vitriolic battle between the two establishment Republicans, they combined to spend more than $2 million last month, and between them they still had roughly $5 million to spend, as of finance reports through Jan. 31.

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