EXCLUSIVE: Head of Trump Campaign in NH Confident President Will Defeat All GOP Challengers

Long before there were the conservative talk show pundits and MAGA followers, there was Stephen Stepanek, a New Hampshire guy who followed his wife’s advice to say hi to Donald Trump at a golf course a decade ago. He is now the guy Trump has confidently chosen to be his strategist in what still remains the most important state for a presidential candidate to win a primary in.
The night before the DNC Feb. 4 voted to nix New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation status, Stepanek vehemently emphasized his belief that the “new primary calendar” is playing zero influence on what he believes is the real ulterior motive behind the move and that is to bump Trump from being the lead candidate, as he was both in 2016 as well as 2020 when Trump clinched all 22 pledged delegates to the national convention and captured a historic 129,734 votes—outdoing Bill Clinton’s 1976 record of 76,797….}

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