A Mississippi physician fired for treating COVID-19 patients with ivermectin is running for governor.
“The biggest reason I’m running is because I want to bring about medical transparency,” Dr. John Witcher told The Epoch Times.
Witcher, a Republican and former president and co-founder of the medical freedom advocacy organization MS Against Mandates, said he wants to advocate for and support legislation that will ensure freedom of speech for Mississippi doctors.
As it stands, a physician can have his or her license removed for discussing COVID-19 vaccine side effects or for recommending COVID-19 treatments such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
“A lot of doctors are seeing patients who are vaccine injured who want to talk about it but can’t,” Witcher said. “A lot of them can’t give you the truth about the vaccine because they’re afraid they will lose their license or get labeled as someone who gives misinformation.”…}